SkillGate Ltd | Blog

News from the dynamic world of learning

  • We are 25 years old this year, and to celebrate, we are offering 25% off our popular Traffic Light Compliance Management system! Responsible for some of the highest compliance rates in the industry, it really works! Find out the secret to its success...

  • To help organisations raise awareness of mental health issues and create an open and inclusive workplace culture, we are offering our Mental Health Awareness course free of charge this Mental Health Awareness Week (13th-19th May).

  • Boost your learning power this Learning at Work Week with our customer competition!

  • April is Stress Awareness Month, offering a chance to raise awareness and encourage conversations around the negative impact stress can have on mental health. It allows us to share ideas on how we can manage our own stress and support others.

  • The EHRC recently published new guidance on menopause in the workplace for employers. Menopause symptoms can have a significant impact on women at work and it is important that employers know how to support these individuals.

  • Streamline your course booking operations with our Classroom Booking System. Our latest system upgrade now includes a secure payment system for external bookings.

  • A diverse workplace can make an organisation more successful, keep its employees happy and motivated, and better serve a diverse range of customers.

  • We are offering our Introduction to Neurodiversity course free of charge this Neurodiversity Celebration Week to help organisations understand more about neurodiversity and it's importance in the workplace.

  • Has your organisation got the skills it needs? Identify skills gaps, fill the gaps, and build a future-ready organisation with SkillsAudit 360.

  • Getting the most out of a Skills Audit requires understanding exactly what you are trying to achieve and asking the right questions. If you can get it right, it could be one of the most useful strategic activities a training and development team can do.

  • The isolation of home working is having a negative effect on mental health - lonely employees are less motivated and this can lead to reduced productivity. Check out our tips to help organisations prevent remote worker loneliness.

  • Generative AI is opening up huge opportunities for businesses and the applications for this technology are growing every day. However, as an evolving technology we need to be aware of its current limitations as we learn to harness its potential.
